Film Noir Friday–Saturday Matinee: Inside the Walls of Folsom Prison [1951]

folsom prison

Welcome! The lobby of the Deranged L.A. Crimes theater is open! Grab a bucket of popcorn, some Milk Duds and a Coke and find a seat. Last week we took a train to Alcatraz–tonight we head for Folsom Prison in the film INSIDE THE WALLS OF FOLSOM PRISON. The films stars Steve Cochran and David Brian.

TCM says:

In the first half of the twentieth century, at California’s maximum security Folsom Prison, unhealthy conditions and brutal treatment are considered by the cruel, old-school prison warden, Rickey, to be the only way to handle the three-time convicted felons. One Sunday, against the advice of ringleader Chuck Daniels, several prisoners attempt a breakout. Although the riot is quickly suppressed by Rickey, two guards are killed along with several prisoners. Harsh punishments are meted out to those involved, and a Sacramento Press reporter, Jim Frazier, investigates a rumor that one of the instigators of the rebellion was beaten until paralyzed. Because of the prison’s recent problems and changing societal views regarding the treatment of inmates, the prison’s board of directors orders that new blood be infused in the system and sends penologist Mark Benson to serve as captain of the guards.